WP5- Quality Assurance

This Work Package ensures the high quality of the project running.

For this, internal and external evaluation will be done. Internal monitoring and evaluation will be made through reports analyzed by the Implementation Committee (IC). These Quality Assurance reports will be send every 6 months to the IC.

The External Board of Experts will external evaluation based on the Quality Assurance reports.

Depending on the evaluation’s results, project activities could be adjusted.


  1. Establishing the Quality Assurance Plan
  2. Internal Monitoring of Quality
  3. Ensuring external evaluation


  1. Quality Assurance Plan and internal reporting:

    The Quality Assurance Plan will define:

    - the setting up of adequate monitoring mechanisms

    - a calendar foreseen in the project, to evaluate results obtained/to be obtained/re-scheduled

    - the indicators of progress

  2. External evaluation:

The External Advisory Board (EAB) advise the consortium on the quality of the project by analyzing the Quality Assurance reports. This Committee is composed of 3 external experts respectively specialized on the technical aspects of coastal sciences, higher education in the Maghreb and quality assurance for the Erasmus + program. Experts will also participate to the KOM, Steering Committees and Scientific conference. They will provide feedback at the meetings they attend in oral form, as well as in written format. The progress report will inform the consortium about strengths in the processes, but also about weaknesses, challenges or constraints, while recommending possible solutions. Their inputs will be taken into consideration for adjusting the project activities, if necessary. They will assess the final project outputs against initial aims and purposes.

Lead organization: University of Cadiz, Spain