

The ScolaMAR Kick-off meeting in Tangier

Following the European Union funding of the Erasmus Plus project: ScolaMAR Project: Innovative training for Smart coastal management and Sustainable blue growth. A kick-off meeting was held at Abdelmalek Essaadi University on 2 and 3 February 2017 in Tangier.

The opening session was chaired by Mr. Abdelmalek ESSAADI University (UAE), Prof. Houdaifa AMEZIANE with the participation of Mr. Mohammed ADDOU, Dean of FST-Tanger, Mr. Bouchta EL MOUMNI, Dean of The Polydisciplinary-Larache Faculty and coordinator of the project at the UAE, Mrs. Karima GHAZOUANI for the ERASMUS Plus focal point in Rabat and Mr David GRAINDORGE, Project Coordinator at the University de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, France.

The meeting was also attended by members of the consortium of partner universities, teacher - researchers and doctoral students in the field, namely on the Moroccan side: Abdelmalek ESSAADI University in Tangier / Tétouan / Larache, Chouaib Doukkali University in El Jadida , Mohammed V University in Rabat and Ibn Tofail University in Kénitra and the European side: University de Bretagne Occidentale - UBO - Brest, which coordinates the project, the University of Venice in Italy, the University of Cadiz in Spain And the University of Algarve in Portugal.

In addition to the European and Moroccan universities members of the consortium, public and private partners working in the marine and coastal sectors were present at the meeting:
Region Tangier-Tétouan -Al Hoceima; Port TangerMed (TMSA); Focal Point Erasmus Plus – Morocco; National Agency of Ports; Maritime Ports and Public Domains Directorate; National Agency for Aquaculture Development (ANDA); INRH: National Institute for Fisheries Research; Nador MedWest and Agence Marchika; Drapor and Atlantic Dredging Morocco

Steering Committee on February 7th and 8th, 2018 in Brest

  • When Feb 07, 2018 to Feb 08, 2018 (Europe/Paris / UTC100)
  • Where Plouzané, France
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On the 7th and the 8th of February 2018, the ScolaMAR project partners will meet at the European University Institute of the Sea (Plouzané). Organized by the University of Brest, this meeting will bring together the 4 Moroccan universities and 4 European universities to review the activities carried out the past year and discuss the next activities to be implemented.

Among the key activities of the program that will be discussed during this steering committee: the training of 48 Moroccan teachers in European universities around innovative pedagogical practices, the organisation of the scientific conference on climate change and the organisation of the Data Management Applied School.

Climate change and integrated coastal zone management on the agenda of the next ScolaMAR conference

  • When Apr 18, 2018 to Apr 20, 2018 (Europe/Paris / UTC200)
  • Where University of Kenitra, Morocco
  • Attendees University Ibn Tofail, Kénitra University Mohamed V, Rabat University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tanger University Chouaib Doukkali, El Jadida University Ca'Foscari Venice, Italy University of Algarve, Portugal University of Cadiz, Spain University of Bretagne Occidentale, France
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The first ScolaMAR conference will be held in April 18-20, 2018 at the University of Kenitra in Morocco. This two-day-conference will focus on climate change and its implication on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Sustainable Blue Growth.

Organized by the University Ibn Tofail of Kenitra and the University Ca'Foscari of Venice coordinator of Work Package 4, the conference will bring together Moroccan and European teachers-researchers, Master students enrolled in the four Moroccan partner universities but also the actors and stakeholders of ICZM in Morocco.
The program of the conference is available HERE.

Training of Moroccan teachers in online courses development techniques

  • When Jul 02, 2018 to Jul 05, 2018 (Europe/Paris / UTC200)
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From 2 to 5 July 2018 is held the training of teachers in online courses development techniques. Within the framework of the work package 4, nine teachers from the universities of Tangier, Rabat, Kenitra and El Jadida are meeting at the University of Kenitra to work on the adaptation of MOOC FlotRisCo developed by the University of Bretagne Occidentale (UBO).

The training provided by Riwalenn Ruault, in charge of innovative training at the IUEM (UBO) by videoconferencing aims to define the pedagogical scenario of the online course and its content (referents of each session, types of evaluation, videos).

The course which will be developed by the teachers of the four Moroccan universities will deal with the multidisciplinary aspects of coastal risks and will take the form of a Small Private Online Course (SPOC). The online course on Coastal Risks will be open to the first year students of the future Master ScolaMAR.

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The ScolaMAR Kick-off meeting in Tangier


The opening session chaired by Mr. Abdelmalek ESSAADI University (UAE), Prof. Houdaifa AMEZIANE with the participation of Mr. Mohammed ADDOU, Dean of FST-Tanger, Mr. Bouchta EL MOUMNI, Dean of The Polydisciplinary-Larache Faculty and coordinator of the project at the UAE, Mrs. Karima GHAZOUANI for the ERASMUS Plus focal point in Rabat and Mr David GRAINDORGE, Project Coordinator at the University de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, France.(©Jesus Gomez)

Members of the consortium and participants to the Kick-off meeting (©Driss El Ouai)

Kick-off meeting on February 2d 2017 at the Faculté des Sciences et Techniques of the Université Abdelmalek Essaadi in Tanger (©M.El Moumni)

Lunch at the Café Cap Spartel intived by the 'Université Abdelmalek Essaadi (©Jesus Gomez)

The Cap Spartel, Tanger (©Jesus Gomez)

First Steering Committee in Brest


On 7 and 8 February 2018, the University de Bretagne Occidentale/IUEM welcomed partners from the universities of El Jadida, Rabat, Kenitra, Tangier, Cádiz, Algarve and Venice as well as the three experts from the Advisory Board for the annual ScolaMAR steering committee.



The opening session took place at the Pôle Numérique Brest Iroise in Plouzané in the presence of Mrs. Béatrice THOMAS-TUAL Vice-President in charge of European and International relations and Mr. Abdeslam MAMOUNE Vice-President in charge of Training courses at the University de Bretagne Occidentale, Mrs. Anne-Marie TREGUIER Director of the IUEM and Mr. David GRAINDORGE, coordinator of the project.



During these two days of meeting, partners reviewed the activities implemented in 2017 : the selection of Moroccan teachers within the job-shadowing activities and the implementation of the first mobilities in European universities.



Partners also discussed the organization of the upcoming activities among them the Climate Change conference to be held at the University of Kenitra from April 18 to 20, the continuation of the job-shadowing activity and the preparation of the Data Management Applied School expected this fall in the region of El Jadida.



A time was also dedicated to the development of the SPOC (Small Private Online Course) on coastal risks (part of the WP4: Integrative Approaches), planned to be integrated into the future Master programme. On this topic, partners had the opportunity to share with Riwalenn RUAULT, pedagogical engineer at IUEM.


Pointe Saint-Mathieu, Finistère

From left to right : José-Paulo MONTEIRO (Algarve), Fidel ECHEVARRIA (Cádiz), Erika PORPORATO (Venise), Miguel ORTEGA (Grenade), Hassan ECHARFAOUI (Kénitra), Bendahhou ZOURARAH (El Jadida), Daniele BRIGOLIN (Venise), Mustapha MAATOUK (Tanger), Catherine MEUR-FEREC (Brest), Bouchta EL MOUMNI (Tanger), Abderrahman AIT FORA (Kénitra), David GRAINDORGE (Brest), Luca BELLUCCI (ISMAR-CNR), Amel CHAFFAI (Sfax) et Abdellah AMMAR (Rabat)


 © Justine Roddier / UBO


No results were found.

Job-shadowing mobilities have started

Since the start of the academic year, European partners universities are receiving Moroccan staff from universities of Tangier, Rabat, Kenitra and El Jadida for 2-week mobilities.

They will participate to thematic teaching units and will exchange experience on educational methods and innovative approaches.

 Following these mobilities/job-shadowing, each participant will write a report on their experience in order to capitalize on the sharing of good practices. These reports will be used to develop the training modules for the Master curriculum.

Steering Committee on February 7th and 8th, 2018 in Brest

On the 7th and the 8th of February 2018, the ScolaMAR project partners will meet at the European University Institute of the Sea (Plouzané). Organized by the University of Brest, this meeting will bring together the 4 Moroccan universities and 4 European universities to review the activities carried out the past year and discuss the next activities to be implemented.

Among the key activities of the program that will be discussed during this steering committee: the training of 48 Moroccan teachers in European universities around innovative pedagogical practices, the organisation of the scientific conference on climate change and the organisation of the Data Management Applied School.

Climate change and integrated coastal zone management on the agenda of the next ScolaMAR conference

The first ScolaMAR conference will be held in April 18-20, 2018 at the University of Kenitra in Morocco. This two-day-conference will focus on climate change and its implication on Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Sustainable Blue Growth.

Organized by the University Ibn Tofail of Kenitra and the University Ca'Foscari of Venice coordinator of Work Package 4, the conference will bring together Moroccan and European teachers-researchers, Master students enrolled in the four Moroccan partner universities but also the actors and stakeholders of ICZM in Morocco.

Training of Moroccan teachers in online courses development techniques

From July 2 to 4, 2018 is held the training of teachers in online courses development techniques. Within the framework of the work package 4, nine teachers from the universities of Tangier, Rabat, Kenitra and El Jadida are meeting at the University of Kenitra to work on the adaptation of MOOC FlotRisCo developed by the University of Bretagne Occidentale (UBO).

The training provided by Riwalenn Ruault, in charge of innovative training at the IUEM (UBO) by videoconferencing aims to define the pedagogical scenario of the online course and its content (referents of each session, types of evaluation, videos).

The course which will be developed by the teachers of the four Moroccan universities will deal with the multidisciplinary aspects of coastal risks and will take the form of a Small Private Online Course (SPOC). The online course on Coastal Risks will be open to the first year students of the future Master ScolaMAR.

A field school for data acquisition and management in the marine and coastal domain

As part of the project activities, the University of El Jadida organized from 1 to 5 October 2018 a field school on "Data Management in the Marine and Coastal Domain" in the Oualidia Lagoon, south of El Jadida.


During one week, 24 Moroccan teachers (Tangier, Rabat, El Jadida, Kenitra) and 6 European teachers (Cadiz, Algarve, UBO) offered practical and theoretical workshops to train 32 Moroccan students in the use of equipment dedicated to marine and coastal observation (Stratabox sediment depth sounder, single beam sonar for bathymetry, sampling of water and sediments in the lagoon, tide recorder, flow, salinity, etc.). Well beyond the learning of the Master's and PhD students present at this field school, the objective of this activity is to train the future trainers who will be involved in the Master ScolaMAR. This school is intended to be integrated into the first year programme of this Master's degree and repeated every year in the lagoon of Oualidia.

On the program: practical parts on board small boats on the lagoon for the acquisition of geophysical data, workshops for the observation of the lagoon's aquatic ecosystem, as well as geomorphological observation of the coastal zone.

The programme of this field school, which began on 1 October 2018 with a day of presentation of the ScolaMAR project at the El Jadida Faculty of Sciences, was followed by workshops at the Oualidia lagoon site from 2 to 5 October 2018. During this week, students and teachers were able to participate in practical parts on board small boats (3) on the lagoon for the acquisition of geophysical data (Stratabox and Sonar single beam), workshops for the observation of the lagoon's aquatic ecosystem (sediment sampling by bucket, Water sampling by Niskins bottle, geomorphological observation of the coastal zone (levelling by DGPS) but also practical workshops based on measurements made on the lagoon were organised within the INRH observatory in Oualidia.

These workshops ended with a meeting of the project coordination committee on Friday at 12 noon.

Program of the week:

Monday, October 1, 2018

09:00 am : Registration of participants
10:00 am : Opening and official allocations
11:00 am : Coffee break and welcome of participants
11:30 am - 01:00 pm : Presentation of the Scolamar project, presentation of the field school and discussions
01:00 pm - 02:30 pm : Lunch
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm : Organisation of thematic groups and presentations of the field school's activities
05:30 pm : Departure to the lagoon of Oualidia


From left to right : D. Graindorge (UBO), B. El Moumni (UAE), M. Sahabi (UCD), M. Blaghen (UCD), B. Zourarah (UCD)

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 (Start of the 4 workshops in Oualidia)

Workshop 1 : Marine geophysics in shallow waters (UCD El Jadida-UBO Brest)
Workshop 2 : Physical parameters of shallow waters (UCD El Jadida-UAlg Algarve)
Workshop 3 : Biology, Ecology of the lagoon system (UMV Rabat-UCA Cadiz)
Workshop 4 : Coastal geomorphology (UAE Tangier-UAlg Algarve)

Wednesday 3, Thursday 4 and Friday 5 (morning) continuation of the 4 workshops in parallel.

Friday 5 Afternoon : Steering Committee meeting


Conference on Coastal risks

  • When Apr 23, 2019 to Apr 24, 2019 (Europe/Paris / UTC200)
  • Where Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed V Rabat
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The theme of this second conference will be: "Coastal risks, risks for societies: facing environmental changes versus risks for nature under human pressure".

Steering Committee

  • When Apr 25, 2019 to Apr 26, 2019 (Europe/Paris / UTC200)
  • Where Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed V Rabat
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The ScolaMAR steering committee will be organised on 25 and 26 April 2019 at the University of Rabat and will gather all the project coordinators and experts from the Advisory Board. The objective of this coordination meeting will be to present and review the activities implemented within the framework of the project.