Data management applied school
Data management applied school
As part of the project activities, the University of El Jadida organized from 1 to 5 October 2018 a field school on "Data Management in the Marine and Coastal Domain" in the Oualidia Lagoon, south of El Jadida.
For one week, 24 Moroccan teachers (Tangier, Rabat, El Jadida, Kenitra) and 6 European teachers (Cadiz, Algarve, Brest) offered practical and theoretical workshops to train 32 Moroccan students in the use of equipment dedicated to marine and coastal observation (Stratabox sediment depth sounder, single beam sonar for bathymetry, sampling of water and sediments in the lagoon, tide recorder, flow, salinity, etc.). Well beyond the learning of the Master's and PhD students present at this field school, the objective of this activity is to train the future trainers who will be involved in the Master ScolaMAR. This school is intended to be integrated into the first year programme of this Master's degree and repeated every year in the lagoon of Oualidia.
On the program: practical parts on board small boats on the lagoon for the acquisition of geophysical data, workshops for the observation of the lagoon's aquatic ecosystem, as well as geomorphological observation of the coastal zone.
The programme of this field school, which began on 1 October 2018 with a day of presentation of the ScolaMAR project at the El Jadida Faculty of Sciences, was followed by workshops at the Oualidia lagoon site from 2 to 5 October 2018. During this week, students and teachers were able to participate in practical parts on board small boats (3) on the lagoon for the acquisition of geophysical data (Stratabox and Sonar single beam), workshops for the observation of the lagoon's aquatic ecosystem (sediment sampling by bucket, Water sampling by Niskins bottle, geomorphological observation of the coastal zone (levelling by DGPS) but also practical workshops based on measurements made on the lagoon were organised within the INRH observatory in Oualidia.
These workshops ended with a meeting of the project coordination committee on Friday at 12 noon.
Program of the week:
Monday, October 1, 2018
09:00 am : Registration of participants
10:00 am : Opening and official allocations
11:00 am : Coffee break and welcome of participants
11:30 am - 01:00 pm : Presentation of the Scolamar project, presentation of the field school and discussions
01:00 pm - 02:30 pm : Lunch
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm : Organisation of thematic groups and presentations of the field school's activities
05:30 pm : Departure to the lagoon of Oualidia
From left to right : D. Graindorge (UBO), B. El Moumni (UAE), M. Sahabi (UCD), M. Blaghen (UCD), B. Zourarah (UCD)
Tuesday, October 2, 2018 (Start of the 4 workshops in Oualidia)
Workshop 1 : Marine geophysics in shallow waters (UCD El Jadida-UBO Brest)
Workshop 2 : Physical parameters of shallow waters (UCD El Jadida-UAlg Algarve)
Workshop 3 : Biology, Ecology of the lagoon system (UMV Rabat-UCA Cadiz)
Workshop 4 : Coastal geomorphology (UAE Tangier-UAlg Algarve)
Wednesday 3, Thursday 4 and Friday 5 (morning) continuation of the 4 workshops in parallel.
Friday 5 Afternoon : Steering Committee meeting