WP4- Developement- Integrative approach

The goal of this WP is to focus on these integrative dimensions by way of 2 main activities: the organization of scientific conferences and the development of online courses (SPOC-Small Private Online Course)

This WP will be an opportunity to raise awareness to the public at large, from staff to students to the necessity of integrating a great diversity of points of view, data, and issues related to the Moroccan implementation of its ICZM policy.

The final WP activity will be to build a Master curriculum integrating the information collected in previous tasks.


  1. Organization of Integrative Conferences
    1. Define the contents and schedule the workshops
    2. Organize the conferences
  2. Implementation of a SPOC on Coastal risks
    1. Collect contents to develop the pre-exiting MOOC and adapt it to the Moroccan context
    2. Implement the SPOC (Small Private Online Course) development in each institution and form the local animators
  3. Building the Master curriculum
    1. Combine and rationalize the training modules from WP2 and WP3
    2. Define the common modules for the Master Curriculum
    3. Define the specific modules for each of the 6 specializations
    4. Develop the Master curriculum


  1. The Scientific Integrative conferences:

    1. Conference on "Climate Change": April 2018, Kenitra, Morocco

    2. Conference on "Coastal risks": May 2019, Rabat, Morocco

  2. The SPOC on Coastal risks

  3. The Master curricula

Lead organization: University of Venice, Italy