WP7- Management

This WP aims to manage the overall project and its resources and coordinate the delivery of project outcomes. This includes establishing the working procedures and reporting structures; provide management time, administration, co-ordination functions; organize progress reports and maintain all records of expenditure; manage and monitor work package activities and deliverables against agreed milestones.

This WP organizes the internal communication within the consortium as management is integrated into all the project’s WPs, with identified partners assuming the role of Work Package Leader (WPL).

Finally, it organizes the communication with and submits the Progress and final reports to the the European Commission.


  1. Recruitment of a Project Manager
  2. Manage project and coordinate internal communication
  3. Manage administration and finance
  4. Activity reports, communications, self-assessment
  5. Follow-up contacts with EACEA


  1. Implementation committee
    1. February 2017, Tangier, Morocco
    2. March 2018, Brest, France
    3. May 2019, Rabat, Morocco
  2. Internal reporting
  3. Intermediate and final reporting to European Commission


Management schema

Lead organisation: Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France